When importing positions or transactions from FOLIOfn here are some tips for keeping you cash balance correct. FOLIOfn uses USD for the symbol of your default cash account. To make sure your cash reconciles, use these tips when importing:
1) Download/extract the files from FOLIOfn's website
2) Import transactions (or positions) with File /
Import / Transactions (or Positions) / FOLIOfn.... If any new
accounts are being imported you will be prompted for what to use for a default
cash account once you finish the preview. Choose 1 option in this priority
3) If you created any new accounts during the import that did not have "US Dollars" as the default cash account, use Edit / Symbol List... and change the symbol of CASH to USD and symbol CASHP to USD. You want all your default cash accounts to have the symbol of USD.
4) Reconcile. When reconciling set the "Advanced Options..." to use this security re-map file, which, maps CASHP to USD. This is just a plain text file with CASHP<tab>USD on the first line. Also in the "Advanced Options..." turn on the option to ignore default cash account errors less than 0.01 shares. You only need to set these once, as they will be remembered for you.
In some cases you may have to add/remove 0.01 from your cash account to
reconcile. Do this by manually recording a buy/sell with a memo of
"reconcile manual adjustment".
Importing FOLIOfn Transactions