This report can be created by selecting the Reports / Investment Performance... command from within any window.
This report gives you insight into how well the intrinsic investments performed, independent of when/how your money was invested. The following columns are displayed for this report type:
Beg NAV |
The share price of this line item at the start of the beginning report date. (This is the closing price on the date prior to the report's starting date.) |
Distrib. |
Sum of any distributions during the date range in distributions/share. |
End NAV |
The share price of this line item on the ending date. |
Gain |
The share price value gained by this line item for the specified time
period. |
%Gain-F |
The percent gain in NAV for this line item for the specified date range. |
Return |
The Time-Weighted Return (TWR) for the specified date range. |