Rebalance Report


This report can be created by selecting the Reports / Rebalance... command from within any window.


When creating this report you choose the allocation target to use.  This report shows how close your actual positions are to the desired targets.  Customize which fields are displayed in this report using the Report Preferences - Rebalance Dialog.  The following columns are available:


Actual %

Actual holdings on the report date, expressed as a percentage of the whole sub-portfolio value

Target %

The desired allocation, expressed as a percentage of the whole sub-portfolio value.  This figure comes from the allocation target in use for the report.

High %

The ceiling (maximum) of your desired allocation target range

Low %

The floor (minimum) of your desired allocation target range

Delta %

The difference between the actual and target allocation percentages

Delta H/L %

The difference between the actual and high/low allocation percentages.  If the actual % is within the high/low range, this percentage will not be displayed.  This figure is positve when the actual % is above the high %, and negative when below the low %.

Actual Value

Equivalent of Actual %, but expressed as a value

Target Value

Equivalent of Target %, but expressed as a value

High Value

Equivalent of High %, but expressed as a value

Low Value

Equivalent of Low %, but expressed as a value

Delta Value

Value to add, or take away, in order to rebalance this item to the target.  This value is calculated assuming a constant sub-portfolio value.  This would apply when you sell one item, and use the proceeds to buy another item.

Delta H/L Value

Similar to Delta Value, but is the value to add, or take away, in order to rebalance this item only to the high or low target.  If the actual value is within the high/low range, this value will not be displayed.  This figure is positive when the actual value is above the high value, and negative when below the low value.


When using a Model Portfolio allocation target the necessary trades needed to rebalance the sub-portfolio can be exported to a CSV file using the Export Rebalance Trades Dialog.


When applying a filter to a Rebalance report the filter applies only to the actual holdings.  The allocation target should be defined as desired, without any necessary filtering.

See Also

Export Rebalance Trades Dialog

Allocation Target List Dialog

Report Settings Dialog


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