Retrieve transactions directly from your broker or mutual fund company using
the Edit / Internet Retrieve / Transactions...
menu command. You can also press the
button on the toolbar.
Fund Manager can retrieve transactions directly from a wide variety of brokers and mutual fund companies. For a complete list, see Supported Brokers and Fund Companies.
Setup Instructions:
You will need to have an online account set up with your broker/fund company.
Some broker/fund companies actually have a separate account for this service. It
may be called Direct Download or Web Connect. It is the same feature used by
Quicken to download transactions. Once you get signed up
with your broker/fund company you should receive a User ID/password. Use the
Portfolio Editor to set up a sub-portfolio for
this broker/fund company. Assign this User ID/password in the
sub-portfolio's properties. On the Portfolio
Properties Dialog there will be a "Transaction Retrieve Settings..." button
where you assign your broker, User ID, password, and account number for this
sub-portfolio. Then, just do an internet retrieve of your transactions using the
Edit / Internet Retrieve / Transactions... menu
command, or by pressing the
button on the toolbar.
The "Retrieve Transactions" dialog allows you to choose which sub-portfolio to retrieve. You can also select the "Also Retrieve All Sub-Portfolios" to retrieve all sub-portfolios below the selected sub-portfolio. You can control the date range of transactions to retrieve. Fund Manager remembers the date of your last retrieve for each sub-portfolio, and sets this as the default starting date. Once you press the "Next" button Fund Manager will retrieve your transactions and you will be taken to the Preview Importing Transactions page to see what transactions will be updated.
When Fund Manager retrieves transactions from your broker or mutual fund company a CUSIP is reported for each retrieved transaction. When Fund Manager matches up retrieved transactions with your existing investments it first looks for investments with a matching CUSIP. If a matching investment could not be found based on CUSIP, it next looks for a match based on the recorded symbol. Using the CUSIP to match your transactions up with your investments will be more reliable than using the symbol, as some broker and mutual fund companies do not always provide the symbol, although they do always provide a CUSIP.
Select the Advanced Options... button to
specify various advanced import options.
Comments: This feature retrieves your transactions over the internet using the "Open Financial Exchange" protocol, which is an encrypted, secure protocol (HTTPS).
Technical Details: Fund Manager can optionally log the communication with your broker to a set of log files. To enable logging, turn ON the option "Options / General Preferences... / Other / Create Log Files When Importing Transactions". After a transaction retrieve there will be 3 log files in your AppData\Roaming\Fund Manager folder: "ofxretr.txt", "xmldump.txt" and "ofxmemtrandump.txt". The first is the raw data received from the OFX server. The second is a more human readable format of the first log file. The third is a list of transactions Fund Manager parsed from this response. Some of the displayed fields in this third log file will have either a "(1)" or a "(0)" after them, indicating whether or not they were read in from the received data (1), or are at their default value (0). The log files will be located here:
C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Fund Manager
The "raw" and "parsed" logs are also available from within Fund Manager under Help / Logs.
Transaction Retrieve Settings Dialog