Re: Price updates from Yahoo- UK[ Q1-Q3 99 Archive ] [ Current Message Board ] [ Archives ] [ Search ] Posted by Neville Balfour on July 23, 1999 at 13:14:50:In Reply to: Re: Price updates from Yahoo- UK posted by Mark on July 22, 1999 at 17:48:49: : : : : I have recently downloaded and I am evaluating fund manager. I have opened an investment with 1700 shares at £3.04, when I update from Yahoo-UK the price is of course shown in pence i.e. 334.50 (all stocks on the LSE is shown in pence) the result is £568,650 instead of £5,686.50. : : : : The explanation of how to change the behaviour of the retrieve from the default by adding a value to the registry key: i.e. HKEY_CURRENT-USER\SOFTWARE\BEILEY SOFTWARE\FUND MANAGER\CURRENTVERSION\INETERET RETR : : : : Set a value for Yahoo_UK in this registry key to the string of "X" : : : : does not make any sense to me. How do I acess this registry key? : : : If you adjust your symbols to have the ".L" suffix, Fund Manager will import : : : Thanks, : : : : Thank you for your reply. : : However, what I am trying to say is that because the prices on the LSE are quoted in pence in this case 334 pence, when Fund Manager imports this amount it is treating that amount as £334 not 334 pence which would convert to £3.34, thus my investment value (1700 shares)is shown as £567,800 instead of £5,687.00. When I use .L Isys or for that matter ".L" Isys Fund Manager reports that it could not update any investments. : : Regards, : : Hi Neville, : For Fund Manager to handle the pound/pence issue you must have : The symbol should be "ISYS.L" (without the quotes). I tested this, and : Thanks, Hi Mark, Thank you very for your prompt reply. I have amended the symbol by adding the "L" suffix as suggested and it works (my fault I first used "L" as a prefix). Now all that remains is for me to import some historical prices from Market-eye. I must say this is an excellent software and $39 (for me approx. £26.00 ) is a steal, I am happy to register. Many thanks, Neville Balfour
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