Re: Multiple portofolios
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Posted by Mark on August 17, 1999 at 09:18:15:
In Reply to: Multiple portofolios posted by Tassos Kagelis on August 17, 1999 at 03:52:20:
: Hi Mark. My question how can FM handle more than one person's portofolio. How can it isolate my transactions from others, so that when I open it would show only mine? Can that happen? Thanks in advance. Hi Tassos, Yes, you can have as many different portfolios for Fund Manager as you would like. Transactions and prices are stored in the individual investment files, not as part of the portfolio. Portfolios only remember which investments they contain, along with your other settings, such as graph type, etc... To create multiple portfolios containing the same investment, but for different people, you would just create a new investment for each separate account holding that investment. For example, say you had a JANSX account, and someone else had a separate JANSX account also. You would create 2 investments, and assign them unique filenames, such as JANSX1.DAT and JANSX2.DAT. You could include your JANSX1.DAT in your portfolio, and the JANSX2.DAT in the other person's portfolio. You could also put both of them, along with all your other investments, in another portfolio if you wanted. This is often useful for price updating purposes. That way, you only have to retrieve prices once. Investments can belong in any number of portfolios. For more on portfolios, see the online help topic "How to Create and Modify Portfolios". Thanks, Mark -- Mark Beiley
Fund Manager for Windows 3.1x/95/98/NT