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Re: Graph Scale

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Posted by Mark on August 25, 1999 at 15:07:08:

In Reply to: Graph Scale posted by Wyatt Taylor on August 25, 1999 at 03:31:21:

: Hi Mark,

: Not being a mathematician, could you explain what the significance and
: advantage is of using the Graph/Options/Log Scale is? How does that scaling
: help in viewing a particular investment? Also what does the lowercase "g"
: next to it mean? Thanks for the help. Again, great product!!

: Wyatt Taylor

Hi Wyatt,
When your graphs are in log scale mode the same change in vertical distance anywhere along the Y axis represents the same percentage change in the value
being plotted. Explained another way, if your stock moves from $10 to $11
in log scale, this will be the same amount of vertical distance as if your
stock changed from $100 to $110. Both of these are a %10 movement, but in
the first case it is only $1, and in the second it is $10. On a linear
scale, the $10 movement would be 10 times as much, but on the log scale
both movements are of the same distance.
The 'g' next to log scale is the keyboard accelerator for this command.
You can just type 'g' on your keyboard to toggle this mode on/off.

Mark Beiley

Fund Manager for Windows 3.1x/95/98/NT

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