How do I get cursor snap
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Posted by Jeff W. Waldrop on August 29, 1999 at 19:08:28:
In Reply to: Re: Ok, so How do I do that? posted by Mark on August 28, 1999 at 11:29:21:
How do I get this cursor snap you spoke of? I have version 4.0.204.... : : : : How do I build a report that will give the portfolio value on each day, say for the last 45 days or so?
: : : : Thanks in advance!!! : : : : Jeff W. Waldrop : : : : Met Life Financial Services : : : Hi Jeff, : : : There is no report that can provide this, but you can use the : : : "Portfolio Value" graph type to display this data graphically. : : The graphic report does not tell me this. It tells me this for this day only, after I update the prices. It this something that you may can add in the future? : : Thanx, Jeff : : : Thanks, : : : Mark : : : -- : : : Mark Beiley : : : : : : Fund Manager for Windows 3.1x/95/98/NT : : : : : : : Hi Jeff, : I was referring to the "Portfolio Value" graph, not the "Portfolio Value" report. This graph is selected under the "Graphs" menu. It displays the : portfolio value versus time graphically, but it doesn't create a text list of : the values on each date. : We do plan to add a selection under "Edit/All Data..." that : would provide this data. We have also added a feature into FM 4.2 that : is called "Cursor Snap". With this mode on, you can display the actual : value being plotted closest to the location of your cursor. You could use : this to pick off the portfolio value for any date from this graph (or any : other graph). : Thanks, : Mark : -- : Mark Beiley : : Fund Manager for Windows 3.1x/95/98/NT