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I must be missing something simple, here....

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Posted by Jeff W. Waldrop on August 29, 1999 at 19:22:07:

In Reply to: Re: Ok, so How do I do that? posted by Mike on August 28, 1999 at 11:32:49:

Ok, I know how to set the date range on the Port Value graph and look at the changes in value. But no matter what date (beginning) I set right now, the portfolio graph still gives my my port value and has ($ -19.85) in parenthesis. This $ 19.85 was the drop from Thur at market close till Fri at market close. I download prices every day after close. So my port is updated daily.

What I want to do is look at 8/1/99 till Fri eve and see how much money did I make or lose.......

Jeff W. Waldrop

: : : : How do I build a report that will give the portfolio value on each day, say for the last 45 days or so?

: : : : Thanks in advance!!!

: : : : Jeff W. Waldrop
: : : : Met Life Financial Services

: : : Hi Jeff,
: : : There is no report that can provide this, but you can use the
: : : "Portfolio Value" graph type to display this data graphically.

: : The graphic report does not tell me this. It tells me this for this day only, after I update the prices. It this something that you may can add in the future?

: : Thanx, Jeff

: Jeff - there is no "graphic report". All you have to do is open your portfolio, click on "Graphs" and then "Portfolio Value". If you want a graph of the portfolio value for the last 45 days, click on "View" and then "Dates" and select the appropriate date range.

: : : Thanks,
: : : Mark
: : : --
: : : Mark Beiley
: : :
: : : Fund Manager for Windows 3.1x/95/98/NT
: : :
: : :

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