Nav Retreival
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Posted by Walt Fitzpatrick on September 02, 1999 at 06:15:54:
Runing Fund Mgr 3.2 Was unable to retreive data using YAHOO ,which I have been doing for the same portfolios all year. When checking retreive status ,was told I was using an old version DLL (114 or 115) Did I want to update to 119, which I did. Now when retreiving Navs I get a nav but with the retreival date rather than the Nav date. Retreiving this AM 9/2 Received 9/1 Nav with 9/2 date Also did not retreive some fund navs or nasd & dow index, all of which I was able to retreive individually from YAHOO using the same symbols which have been in the portfolios all year. Any suggestions? Thanks Walt Fitzpatrick