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Re: Graphs Not Displaying Properly

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Posted by Mark on January 10, 1999 at 09:26:14:

In Reply to: Re: Graphs Not Displaying Properly posted by Danny Farley on January 09, 1999 at 22:23:50:

: : : I just purchased a new Gateway G6-450 multimedia PC.
: : : After I installed v3.4 and restored my data files, a lot
: : : of the graphs do not display properly. The Pie Chart - Portfolio
: : : Value will color in the largest pie slice, but the other pie
: : : slices have boundaries but are all black in color. Also,
: : : the markers for buy, sell, distribution, etc. do not show
: : : on the Price + Distributions graph, but the line graph itself
: : : does show ok. I have re-installed but no luck. I am having
: : : no problems on displaying other software programs.
: : : Any ideas?

: : The pie chart colors are not adjustable, so if
: : they are not displayed properly this is most
: : likely due to a video driver bug. Are the
: : colors in the legend squares correct? I would
: : check with your video card manufacturer to
: : see if they have a driver update available. You
: : can often download them from the web.

: : Do you have markers turned on? See "Options/
: : Markers".

: : Thanks,
: : Mark
: : --
: : Mark Beiley
: :
: : Fund Manager for Windows 3.1x/95/98/NT
: :
: :

: The colors in the legends squares look fine, and I
: do have the Options/Markers turned on. I checked
: with Gateway and they said I have the latest driver.
: It's not a major problem, and I can live with it.

: Thanks,
: Danny Farley

Hi Danny,
Another thing you can check on for the
markers is that the screen pen size for the
markers is not set to 0. (Options/Screen Pens...)
Also, if you have access to a color printer
try printing the pie chart to see if the colors
display properly. That would add support to the
video driver problem.

Mark Beiley

Fund Manager for Windows 3.1x/95/98/NT

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