Re: Date is not updating
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Posted by Spiro Spiteri on September 09, 1999 at 21:43:56:
In Reply to: Re: Date is not updating posted by Mark on September 09, 1999 at 09:46:13:
: : All of a sudden, the date does not change automatic. : : Do I have to reload the program? : : : : : : No, you do not have to reload the program. Which date are you : referring to? Is it the ending graph date? If so, use "View/Dates..." : to revert all your graphs to full history. You will then want to : re-save your portfolio using "File/Save Portfolio". : Portfolios remember : the starting/ending dates of your graphs. You can have your graph dates : either "floating" for the end date, or set to a specific date. If you've : ever zoomed in to a particular date range, and then saved your portfolio, : your portfolio would come up with these same dates set for you next time. : Thanks, : Mark : -- : Mark Beiley : : Fund Manager for Windows 3.1x/95/98/NT : :