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Re: Automatic Computations

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Posted by Mark on January 23, 1999 at 16:44:35:

In Reply to: Automatic Computations posted by Jim on January 23, 1999 at 09:05:24:

: I have a problem with the accuracy of the accounts. When I enter my buy information Fund Manager automatically computes the Amount Invested. For example:

: I buy 2.107 shares at $47.4670/share. When I input the data it returns with a $100.01 Investment Value. Actually I invested $100.00. Even if I change it to the correct value it reverts to $100.01.

: I know this isn't a big deal, but I would like it to record the information correctly, and be able to override to automatic computations.

: Other than that great program.

: Thanks
: Jim

Hi Jim,
FM will always force the price * shares = value, as it should... In reality, you bought 2.107 shares with $100. Therefore, you really paid $47.460845/share, not the $47.4670/share reported on your statement. This happens quite often, rounding errors on statements. The best way to handle recording these, is to enter the amount paid and the number of shares as shown on the statement, and let FM adjust the share price to match. FM will adjust the share price to reflect the actual price per share you paid. You can do this by filling in the value edit box, then the shares edit box, and then moving the cursor to the price edit box. FM will fill in the price edit box for you when you move the cursor there.

Mark Beiley

Fund Manager for Windows 3.1x/95/98/NT

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