Re: FM icon in other program files
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Posted by Mark on February 01, 1999 at 07:48:30:
In Reply to: FM icon in other program files posted by Gary on January 31, 1999 at 17:37:21:
: Hi Mark you did answer this question for me once before : but I seem to have misplaced it. I have upgraded my system : and reinstaled FM and I now have the FM icon in several of my files : Please tell me once more how do I get rid of this, : I also seem to have mistplaced my pass word can you e-mail me that again : thanks Mark in advance : Regards : Gary C. Hi Gary, Do you mean that the FM icon is showing up in Explorer as the icon for other file types? If so, first I'd recommend rebooting your computer to see if that doesn't fix it. If not, then you can check your file type associations within Explorer by "View/Folder Options/File Types". FM only registers itself to be associated with .mm4 file extensions. Your password was sent via e-mail. Thanks, Mark -- Mark Beiley
Fund Manager for Windows 3.1x/95/98/NT