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Re: PFROI & Fund Mananger

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Posted by Mark on February 04, 1999 at 17:53:27:

In Reply to: PFROI & Fund Mananger posted by Jim Howes on February 04, 1999 at 09:28:03:

: I've been using PFROI for years, it is a DOS stock tracking program similar to Fund Manager. I've been looking for a program to replace PFROI and it looks like Fund Manager will do the job. I have about eight years of transactions and price quotes to import. If you have been a PFROI user before and know some of the strings to use it would be very helpful. I am going to go to work on the price data right now I don't think that will be that difficult but with the transactions...that's a different story..

: Thanks for your help

: Jim

Hi Jim,
As I mentioned to you earlier, in our e-mail,
I don't have any experience with PFROI, but
for importing your transactions you might be
able to use the "File/Import Transactions/Generic..."
command. Hopefully someone else has more
experience with PFROI to help you out.

Mark Beiley

Fund Manager for Windows 3.1x/95/98/NT

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