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Posted by Larry Piekarski on January 03, 1999 at 17:57:28:

One of the stratagies I follow with one of my
portfolios is in small cap stocks. I evaluate stocks
against a set of rules and buy the best three to five.
I then set sell limits to capture a reasonable profit
or limits my loss. So, 1/1, I buy A, B, C, & D. on 1/15
A turns out to be a loser, so I sell it and buy E. On
2/1 B & C make good profits and I sell them, and buy
F & G. And so on. Chances are I will never buy A, B, or
C again because either I made a mistake or I took my

What I want to do is look at my performance over the
year, so I view the Portfolio Cost - Value graph and
can see the history of my performance.

Here is my problem. When I update prices, it get's all
of my prices, A - G. The problem is that, while I only
own 4 or 5 stocks, I am updating 12 prices. Can FM
be set to only update prices where you actually own
some stock? If I remove that stock from my port, I lose
my historical data.

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