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Re: FM 4 Export QIF output comment/request

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Posted by Mark on April 12, 1999 at 20:23:42:

In Reply to: FM 4 Export QIF output comment/request posted by George Timms on April 12, 1999 at 19:07:38:

: First, thanks for the export in QIF format!
: Now some questions and suggestions:

: Does FM 4.0 use double-precision floating-point, or
: am I still going to see occaisional rounding errors
: for amounts of more than 7 digits (dollars and cents)?

FM4 uses all double precision values now.

: I'd like the prices, shares, and monitary amounts in
: QIF files generated by FM 4.0 to round values a
: the number of decimal digits specified in Preferences
: (may need a new preference to control decimal digits
: for the total amount of any transaction) to avoid
: these results like these that don't match the "real
: world" of dollars and cents:

: D7/14/97
: NBuy
: YVanguard Ttl Stk Idx
: I21.510002
: Q92.980000
: T1,999.999986
: ^

Good suggestion, thanks. I'll add this to the list.

: The price (I) is less important to me than the shares
: (Q) and amount (T) because I use the latter two to
: track tax basis/gain.

: P.S. It would also be nice if FM would round these
: values on the windows used to enter transactions to
: avoid confusion when FM changes an entered (precise)
: value to some floating-point approximation.

Actually, this is done, but you have to move the focus to the next control before the value is updated. For example, if you have shares/value entered, when tabbing to price, it will be updated with the correct value and stored precision. Also, FM4 will now always force rounding into the "price" field, as opposed to previously, it forced it into the "value" field. This is for just the reason you mentioned...

Mark Beiley

Fund Manager for Windows 3.1x/95/98/NT

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