Re: Missing graph point for 12/30/96
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Posted by Gary on April 19, 1999 at 00:37:39:
In Reply to: Re: Missing graph point for 12/30/96 posted by Mark on April 15, 1999 at 08:44:23:
: : FM (v3.4 and 4.0) does not plot a point for 12/30/96. : : The plot skips from 12/29 to 12/31. The data value : : recorded in the data register for 12/30 is plotted as a : : data point for 12/31. The data value recorded in the : : data register for 12/31 is plotted as a data point for : : 1/1/97. There is no point plotted for 12/30. Does : : anyone else have this problem? : : -Richard : Hi Richard, : Can you e-mail me this investment file, along : with what graph type and date range you have : set to show this bug? : Thanks, : Mark Hi...Mark, On any graph zoom into the area around 12/30/96. Now move your cursor around that date and you will notice the date shown in the status line switches between 12/29/96 and 12/31/96, skipping 12/30/96. 12/30/95, 12/30/97, and 12/30/98 works fine. A rather strange behavior. I'm running NT4.0 sp4. Gary