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Re: FM4 autoinstall to Startup???

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Posted by Mark on April 21, 1999 at 23:02:18:

In Reply to: FM4 autoinstall to Startup??? posted by Larry on April 20, 1999 at 07:52:44:

: Just installed FM 4. Looks like it has some helpful changes and looking forward to using same.
: however
: I originally DL to zip drive, then ran install to C drive.
: Made new directory C:/FM4 which I assumed all was going into that directory, same as I did with other versions of FM, each having own directry under C
: Find everything got thrown into start menu!
: I normally want my program on my personal desktop.
: Now have shortcut on my desktop
: in order to look at sample chart demo in FM4 gotta do a
: major directory change each time....
: somehow the EZ install routine does not have an adequate option to allow one to NOT install to startup menu?
: I would uninstall the whole schmeeel but not sure what
: exactly is the easiest way to go.
: Realize this is more or less a windows problem but somehow FM bumped me into it!!!!!
: thanx for some feedback on this,
: L.
: And my data is not in FM4 either, its in the C:/fm3 folder. And FM4 somehow moved the exe file for FM3.2 into the startup directory....
: Yeeeeeeeeeech!
: Yes I did backup my data files as first suggested!
: So they are intact elsewhere

Hi Larry,
Sounds like you've got kind of a mess...
Fund Manager creates a group under "Start/Programs/Fund Manager" where it places
all of the links to start Fund Manager. It does
not install any shortcuts into the "Start" menu
itself, or on your desktop. Since you have
all of your data files backed up, I would suggest
just deleting any/all shortcuts you don't want
and re-installing. Then copy the data files
into your my_data directory. If you are using
FM 3.2 portfolios please note that those
portfolios contain the full path to their
investments, so you will either have to edit
them, install FM4 into the same directory
where FM3 use to be, or just re-create the portfolios
in FM4 (not the investment files).
Since FM4 can open multiple investments at
once, re-creating portfolios is now pretty quick.

Mark Beiley

Fund Manager for Windows 3.1x/95/98/NT

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