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Re: graph pie slices

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Posted by Mark on April 22, 1999 at 22:36:23:

In Reply to: Re: graph pie slices posted by John on April 22, 1999 at 11:24:32:

: : It is not so simple, Mark. I own 48 stocks but they are represented by 9 slices, i e, some slices contain several stocks, but all one color (I can't discriminate between them, although they read correctlly on the bottom bar as I cursor around the pie.)

: :
: : : : I recently upgraded to Fd Mgr 4.0 from 3.x on an IBM/P3 computer. Although the number of slices is set at 100, all pies have only about 10 slices.

: : : : What's wrong?

: : : The pie slice setting is just a "maximum" that
: : : the pie charts will display. Depending upon the
: : : pie chart type and what investments you have
: : : open you may very likely have fewer displayed.

: : : Thanks,
: : : Mark
: : : --
: : : Mark Beiley
: : :
: : : Fund Manager for Windows 3.1x/95/98/NT
: : :
: : :

Hi John,
Could the problem be that you are looking
at the "Pie Charts/Symbol" graph type? This
graph puts all investments with the same
symbol into one pie slice. Sounds like you
really want the "Piec Charts/Portfolio Value"

Mark Beiley

Fund Manager for Windows 3.1x/95/98/NT

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