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Re: Cash Account

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Posted by Mark on April 23, 1999 at 21:03:05:

In Reply to: Cash Account posted by G. Best on April 23, 1999 at 12:17:21:

: Mark: Regard to previous message:
: 1. I don't have double entries. But I do have two deposits in a row. That makes the 2nd deposit appear to double because it reflects 2 shares. I don't understand how to hold the shares to one under those circumstances.

I'm not clear on what is wrong. Maybe you
can send me via e-mail your cash investment
file, and what you would expect it to look
like. I can probably help better then.

: 2. Is it possible to input the monthly interest as reinvested but not increase the shares? I now show interest as redemption but then it doesn't represent the true balance in the money mkt acct.

Yes, you can do this. It should be recorded
as a distribution, not a redemption. You
would record a distributed distribution. When
recording a distribution, make sure to remove
the check mark from the "Reinvested" check box.
One of the available distribution types is
interest income.

Mark Beiley

Fund Manager for Windows 3.1x/95/98/NT

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