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Re: Capital gains FIFO

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Posted by Mark on April 26, 1999 at 16:04:10:

In Reply to: Capital gains FIFO posted by Sam Galitzer on April 24, 1999 at 19:30:41:

: My capital gains report is not picking up the bought date on a security which I previously sold a portion. It registers as an N.A. On that first sell it lists the date perfectly but on the second transaction it does not report the bought date.The original purchase was also made over two dates. All the numbers equal out and the security now shows a zero balance.

: Any thoughts?

Hi Sam,
This sounds like you have sold a very small
number of shares more than you bought. Possibly,
due to rounding problems when recording the
transactions. If you turn up your share
display preferences to 6 digits you can see if
this is the case. If so, the solution is to
edit the transactions so that you sold no more
shares than you bought.
A tip for recording transactions: Record the
"Value" and "Shares" and let FM round the "Price" field. FM will always require price * shares = value. If there are any rounding errors you want
them to go into the price, not the shares or value.

Mark Beiley

Fund Manager for Windows 3.1x/95/98/NT

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