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OOP (end) and Tax Basis (ending) - no commission

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Posted by Bruce on April 28, 1999 at 10:47:49:

On a custom report, I have a stock with a commission the buy side. The commission does not show up in
the two fields below as part of the "investment" I have bought the stock 2 times and not sold it. One purchase had a commission and the 2nd did not. I am using FM 4.0.200.

OOP invested (end) Total out of pocket contributions (purchases - redemptions - distributed distributions) made from inception to the ending report date, inclusive. This figure is your break-even value. This figure may be different than Tax basis (end).
Tax basis FIFO (end) The tax cost basis for the shares owned on the ending report date. (The amount initially spent to obtain the shares owned on the ending report date, including purchase commission/load.) The cost basis is calculated using the first in first out accounting method. This amount may be different than OOP invested (end) because of distributions.

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