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Re: Brokerage cash account

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Posted by Mark on May 01, 1999 at 09:43:28:

In Reply to: Brokerage cash account posted by Richard Fuge on May 01, 1999 at 09:25:24:

: How do I setup a cash account for my brokerage account portfolio that would be debited & credited each time I buy or sell a stock, just like the brokerage does?

Create a new investment, assign it the investment
type of "cash". Under "Options/Preferences.../Other"
assign your "default cash investment" to be this
newly created investment. Make sure to save
your portfolio after this.

: Also, is there a way to get all of my sells of a portfolio for a certain period to show what my profit or loss has been?

There are several ways... You can look at the
capital gain reports to see the specific gain/loss
for each sale, and totals for your portfolio. You
can look at the yield figures, or Portfolio Gain
graph, or some of the other Gain figures in the
custom report.

: Thank You -- Dick

Mark Beiley

Fund Manager for Windows 3.1x/95/98/NT

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