Re: Report enhancement request
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Posted by Gary on May 21, 1999 at 00:57:38:
In Reply to: Re: Report enhancement request posted by Mark on May 20, 1999 at 18:15:42:
: Hi Gary, : The reports display the investments using : the order of the current investment stack. This : stack order can be manipulated in a variety of : ways. The order of the investments on the graphs : and reports use the same investment stack order. : Are you asking to have separate stack orders : for graphs/reports? Hi...Mark, A separate stack order for graphs and reports would do it. But I just want to be able to keep constant the starting investment for reports, regardless of which is the "top" investment in the stack. So I would like an option to use a particular investment in the stack as the starting point for my reports. This will help the user by keeping their reports consistent day in and day out. After looking through some investment graphs I don't like having to reset the "top" investment to have the reports begin where I want them. Gary