Re: Unsuccessful retrieve from Yahoo(Historical)
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Posted by Mark on May 25, 1999 at 08:29:37:
In Reply to: Re: Unsuccessful retrieve from Yahoo(Historical) posted by Wyatt Taylor on May 25, 1999 at 04:55:49:
: : : : : I've tried several times to retrieve the price history : : : : : for the NASDAQ 100 Index from Yahoo(Historical) using : : : : : the symbol ^NDX as shown on the Yahoo site with no luck. I then tried the symbol NDX contained in your database and did receive the chart from 1/91 thru 11/27/98 but can't seem to get anything more recent. Any suggestions? Thanks for your help! : : : : Hi Wyatt, : : : : The historical Yahoo servers are only able : : : : to retrieve 200 quotes per request. If you : : : : break up your request into multiple smaller : : : : requests, you should be able to get whatever : : : : prices you request. : : : : Thanks, : : : : Mark : : : : -- : : : : Mark Beiley : : : : : : : : Fund Manager for Windows 3.1x/95/98/NT : : : : : : : : : : : : : : Hi Mark, : : : That doesn't seem to be my problem. I've got the "investment" in a portfolio I call "Indices" along with others. When I update the numbers from the Internet each morning, getting only the previous day's figures, the NASDAQ 100 is the only one that Yahoo skips. Could it be that they discontinued supplying that particular quote? That would seem the only logical conclusion but I'm not certain how to check that out with Yahoo. : : : Thanks again. : : : Wyatt : : Hy Wyatt, : : I'm not sure what is going on with this : : symbol... The symbol for NDX in our database : : also stops on 11/27/98. There is no NDX : : available on Yahoo, but there is a ^NDX. : : The ^NDX however doesn't appear to have any : : historical data available though. Yahoo calls : : ^NDX the "NASDAQ 100 Adj". I'm not sure what : : this means. You can visit Yahoo with your : : browser at and look up these : : tickers. There are links to all the quote servers : : in the online help, or on our web site at: : : : : Thanks, : : Mark : : -- : : Mark Beiley : : : : Fund Manager for Windows 3.1x/95/98/NT : : : : : Hi Mark, : I sent a message to the administrator of the Yahoo Finance site but have yet to receive an answer. Do you have any plans to update your database for NDX? I am able to get a quote on a daily basis from Yahoo but not the Historical server. Maybe I should just give up! : Thanks again for your help. Really like your program as I learn more about it! : Wyatt Hi Wyatt, Currently we are updating our historical database daily. We don't have any plans to backfill with missing historical data. The Yahoo (Historical) server has really made our database obsolete. It is now easier to retrieve the data than import it from our database. Thanks, Mark -- Mark Beiley
Fund Manager for Windows 3.1x/95/98/NT