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Re: Graphing NAV for account

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Posted by Mark on June 19, 1999 at 20:02:18:

In Reply to: Re: Graphing NAV for account posted by Michael K. Dawson on June 19, 1999 at 17:10:10:

: : : Is there a way to graph the NAV of an account containing multiple stocks? I can graph individual stocks or overlay multiple stocks, but I would like one graph representing the NAV of the entire account over time.

: : : Thanks

: : Hello Michael,
: : You can plot the "value" and various other value based figures of the portfolio versus time, but not the NAV. Not sure how meaningful the NAV of a portfolio would be? Would this just be the sum of all the share prices for
: : each investment?

: : Thanks,
: : Mark
: : --
: : Mark Beiley
: :
: : Fund Manager for Windows 3.1x/95/98/NT
: :
: :

: I am not sure if you are familiar with the Motley Fool, but they advocate using a value per share accounting method to calculate returns.


: The Fools PortTrak doesn't work if you want to enter past transactions. When I saw the NAV graphs -- I thought that I was almost there.

Hi Michael,
FM calculates Return On Investment (ROI) yields for your portfolio. This
gives an accurate value for the return of your whole portfolio.
This calculation factors in all of your transactions, what price
you paid/received for each one, and the ending value. This is basically a
weighted ROI of each of the individual investments.

Mark Beiley

Fund Manager for Windows 3.1x/95/98/NT

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