Re: Transaction prices vs. adjusted closing prices
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Posted by Mark on July 14, 1999 at 19:45:10:
In Reply to: Transaction prices vs. adjusted closing prices posted by Josh Lipton on July 14, 1999 at 14:29:30:
: I have imported price data from my old DOS-based FundMaster program : and these prices were adjusted by that program whenever I entered a : distribution. As a result, some funds that have monthly distributions : have had their prices reduced quite a bit from their historical values. : When I imported my transactions, these were, (of course), at historical : unadjusted prices, so that my graphs look like my fund's prices had : monthly explosions for no apparent reason. Can anyone explain how to : do the imports properly so that this doesn't happen? Thanks. Hi Josh, If your source of prices is adjusted for distributions, there is no good way to un-adjust them... You may be better off, just re-retrieving historical prices from the "Yahoo (Historical)" quote server. See "Options/ Internet Settings..." to change the server, and then do a retrieve. For more on this feature see: Thanks, Mark -- Mark Beiley
Fund Manager for Windows 3.1x/95/98/NT