Re: European Investor broken too
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Posted by Jomas on April 19, 2000 at 13:19:36:
In Reply to: Re: European Investor broken too posted by Mark on April 19, 2000 at 08:47:54:
: Where are you viewing the prices that shows them as constant? It happaened to me a few weeks ago, I was usign yahoo-uk for updating my investments, and after a few days I realized that the updates were wrong (constant prices, that is same as day before). Where? In the data window, of course (and the graphs showed, of course). After realizing that, I switched to European Investor. Right now (19 april) both European Investor and Yahoo Uk are still broken (that is, I can update no investment), I checked the symbols and they are ok. (after all, two days ago everything was working fine, and I changed nothing after that), so I guess it's not my fault. Anyway, anyone can advice another site from where I can update eropean stocks, or Yahoo UK and Eurp. Invest. are the only one available? Thanks for the answer.