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Re: Proxy Server/Firewall

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Posted by Mark on May 06, 2000 at 09:44:36:

In Reply to: Proxy Server/Firewall posted by George B on May 05, 2000 at 10:44:58:

: I am using Fund Manager both at home and on my laptop. When using the laptop at the office I am forced to go thorough our proxy server which is obviously behind the coporate firewall. I cannot get to Yahoo for price updates in this situation. I have entered the proxy address, user id and password and I get an error message that the server cannot be found. What am I doing wrong.

: As always Mark, thanks for your quick response.

: Geo

Hi George,
I'm not sure, did you double check your proxy settings in FM? You can look
at what you're using in another program, like Netscape, that is working okay.
Also, are you sure you need a username and password to go through your proxy?
You can also try the proxy name instead of address, or vice versa. How are
you entering your proxy name?

Mark Beiley

Fund Manager for Windows 3.1x/95/98/NT

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