Re: European Investor not working
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Posted by Mark on May 30, 2000 at 08:50:32:
In Reply to: Re: European Investor not working posted by Hans ten Wolde on May 28, 2000 at 19:05:31:
: : : : : : : I am evaluating since a couple of weeks Fund Manager, using the latest dll (223 I think), : : : : : : : but European Investor is not working anymore. : : : : : : : Everything else seems fine (Yahoo-UK seems ok). : : : : : : : Hope this helps. : : : : : : : Regards - Yan : : : : : : Hi Yan, : : : : : : Thanks for the update, I too see this server is not working again... : : : : : : We will investigate. : : : : : : Thanks, : : : : : : Mark : : : : : : -- : : : : : : Mark Beiley : : : : : Is it normal that European Investor is quitting so often the last few weeks? : : : : : I am following it for two months now, but this is the third time it fails to respond to FundManager. Are they changing their habits so often? : : : : : Herman : : : : Hi Herman, : : : : Yes, they have been changing it quite often, breaking FM's operation with : : : : this server. We are in discussion with them now to see if they would be : : : : willing to work more closely with us to eliminate this. If they will not : : : : agree to partner with us, we may have to look for a replacement server... : : : : Thanks, : : : : Mark : : : : -- : : : : Mark Beiley : : : : : : : : Fund Manager for Windows 3.1x/95/98/NT : : : : : : : : : : : : : : Dear Mark : : : Nice to know you are looking for a replacement server as I too had lots of trouble with European Investor. The reason I persisted with them is that my portfolio contains shares listed in Amsterdam, Frankfurt London and New York and to my knowledge none of the other servers in fundmanager give listings for all these markets. Please let me know when I can expect news on this new server or when you got European Investor working again as I have not been able to update fundmanager for almost a week now. : : : With kind regards : : : Hans ten Wolde : : : : Hi Hans, : : We are looking at: : : : : Do they have the quotes you need? Do you have any other suggestions? : : Thanks, : : Mark : : -- : : Mark Beiley : : : : Fund Manager for Windows 3.1x/95/98/NT : : : : : Dear Mark : Moneyworld did not do it for me. : I have found Stockpoint, although I have trouble with EMC corporation as I do not have the ticker symbol for the one that I have which is listed in New York, there is also one in Toronto and they require the exchange which you can not programme in Fundmanager. Have a look at : Stockpoint is powered by Com Stock, : but you will have to see how you can incorporate this in Fundmanager as I can not find any way to get ticker symbols and can therefore not see if all my shares work here. They do seem to have all the exchanges there though. : Alternatively it would be usefull if you can update each share in one portfolio trough a different server. I know that I can do this by creating different portfolios but then I have to start Fundmanager for each different set of shares : With kind regards : Hans. Hi Hans, Thanks for the pointer to stockpoint. That site does look good. I found you could get ticker symbols if you go to their "Quotes" area, and enter part of a name in the company name field. Thanks for the feedback on the idea to assign a quote server to a particular investment. Thanks, Mark -- Mark Beiley
Fund Manager for Windows 3.1x/95/98/NT