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Re: Data entry and aggregation for multiple accounts

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Posted by Ross Stone on June 04, 2000 at 17:54:18:

In Reply to: Re: Data entry and aggregation for multiple accounts posted by Mark on June 04, 2000 at 13:17:32:

: : June 2, 2000

: : Mark -

: : I've entered a fair amount of data, but I'm only just started. I think
: : I need some guidance on how best to set up the data to get the program to do
: : what I need. I have multiple brokerage accounts (8-10), each of which typically
: : contains a money-market fund of some kind, along with as many as five mutual
: : funds (these are IRAs, Keoghs, regular accounts, and family trust accounts).
: : Many of the accounts contain many of the same funds. I'm treating each account
: : as a portfolio. Since the number of shares, the investments, and the purchases
: : for the same fund held in different accounts differs, I've been entering each
: : fund in each account as a separate investment. I can then aggregate the
: : investments from two or more accounts into "super-portfolios," in order to get
: : an idea of how a group of accounts is doing overall. However, one of the key
: : things I want to be able to do is to track and adjust asset allocation across
: : groups of accounts. For that, I need to have two things happen. First, when I
: : create a super-portfolio containing A's Fidelity Contrafund, B's Fidelity
: : Contrafund, and C's Fidelity Contrafund (where A, B, and C are each separate
: : accounts), I would like to have the total Fidelity Contrafund holdings shown,
: : rather than each investment being separated (e.g., in a pie chart of the
: : super-portfolio holdings). Second, I had to define assest types (financials,
: : technology, utlities, consumer cyclicals, etc.) for each investment when I
: : first put it in (e.g., the first occurrence of Fidelity Contrafund). I'm now
: : having to re-enter all of those types (and then, the actual allocation) for
: : each new occurrence of that investment. That's a HUGE amount of duplicate data
: : entry. Furthermore, since each occurrence of Fidelity Contrafund is treated as
: : a separate investment, I'm not sure if I'll get the aggregation of asset
: : allocation when I look at one of these super-portfolios. Is there a better way
: : to do this? If not, can you recommend a piece of software that will let me
: : accomplish what I want, hopefully with less duplicate data entry?

: : I do like Fund Manager and I think it is a very nicely done package
: : (and I did just send in the registration fee). Thanks for your help, and take
: : care.

: : Ross

: : W. Ross Stone, PhD
: : E-mail:

: Hi Ross,
: To address your first question, use one of the portfolio pie or stacked
: graph types with the "Symbol" selection to get a graph grouped by symbol,
: so it will combine all investments with the same symbol into one pie slice
: or stack group.
: As far as duplicate entry on multiple investments for asset allocation,
: I can make one suggestion that may help. When creating the second investment,
: instead of creating it from new, you could copy the investment file (*.dat)
: to a new name. This would give you a starting point wherever you want.
: Once the investments are set up, you would have to modify the allocation %
: for each investment though...

: Thanks,
: Mark
: --
: Mark Beiley
: Fund Manager for Windows 3.1x/95/98/NT

Mark -

Choosing "symbol" is a good suggestion. Thanks. I did try starting from a previous
investment file, rather than creating a new investment. However, using Edit...
All Data..., the program wouldn't let me delete (so I could re-insert it) or
otherwise change the initial investment - which, of course, would be different
for each instance of the same fund held in a different account. If you can tell
me how to make that change, then it will indeed save having to re-enter all of
the asset allocation information for each fund that is the same in the various
accounts, and that would be a tremendous help. Thanks.


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