Custom Report Date Range Bug
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Posted by Clive on July 07, 2000 at 12:48:37:
Hi Mark, I can across a bug with a custom report I setup. The intent is to compare one day's fund values with the previous day's values. I have a memorized 7 day comparison report using Beg Value, End Value, Gain (btw) & %Gain (btw) which works correctly. If I modify this report to use date range settings 1 day apart (example July 5 and July 6) the report generates incorrect values for these dates. It actually generates a report for July 4 and July 6, a 2 day comparison. However, If I create and memorize a separate 1 day comparison report, it displays correctly. Seemingly, the bug occurs only when I use the memorized 7 day report and modify the date to a 1 day report. Regards, Clive