Re: saveing graph data
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Posted by Leo Slaton on August 03, 2000 at 10:13:51:
In Reply to: Re: saveing graph data posted by Mark on August 02, 2000 at 18:45:18:
: : : : How do I save corrected graph's. I go into a graph, set the price and date scales : : and save the investment, or save all investments. when I pull it up the next time : : it is still in the original condition. I also have several duplicates that I have not been : : able to delete. If I roll through the stack of graphs in a portfolio and the : : duplicate comes up, how do I get rid of it? : After setting the graph's scale or date range use "File/Save Portfolio" : to memorize these settings, so that the next time you open the portfolio : you will get these ranges. : To delete an investment from a portfolio you need to close the investment, : then re-save the portfolio: : 1) Right mouse click on the investment you wish to close and choose "Close" : from the popup menu. : 2) Select "File/Save Portfolio" to save the changes to the portfolio. : To read more about how to delete investments from a portfolio search the : online help for "portfolios" and go to the help topic "How to Create or : Modify Portfolios". : Thanks, : Mark : -- : Mark Beiley : : Fund Manager for Windows 3.1x/95/98/NT : : I tried to do the convoluted method for deleting an investment thaat you suggested. When I went to "Help" it was no longer there. I must have deleted it in trying to delete something else. If I download the program again will the same password, etc work the second time? Mark, this is easily the most difficult program to run that I have ever seen. I have been the better part of eight hours trying to transfer 16 investments from Quicken to FM and make FM perform as it was advertised. I don't have another 8 hours to play with a nerd puzzle. If the help file cannot be reloaded I will delete the entire program and write the $40 off to experience. Leo