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Posted by Mark on August 13, 2000 at 20:44:44:
In Reply to: fORD PRICE INFO posted by Lawrence Brandon on August 13, 2000 at 18:48:08:
: hI mARK AND ALL; : I discoveried this evening that Yahoo Historical has correct F prices from 8/2 to present : I updated my ford file that hadn't been getting any updates since 8/2 : mabe Mark will check to make use what I found to be OK is in fact OK Hello Lawrence, We cannot check the correctness of data provided by the quote servers. Fund Manager will update the prices as reported by the quote servers. If you see an instance where prices aren't updated in FM the same as when you look at them with your browser, then we can fix that sort of problem. Thanks, Mark -- Mark Beiley
Fund Manager for Windows 3.1x/95/98/NT