Lost data when updated FM
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Posted by Paul Steffensen on August 25, 2000 at 13:39:09:
I recently upgraded (was forced because I could no longer update prices via the internet) from FM 3.4 to 4.7.230 and a few of my investments are missing data. All prices, investments, distributions, etc for almost 3 years have vanished. The files are there, but the last 3 years worth of data is gone. Short of pulling out years worth of statements, is there any way to recover the lost data? I do have "fairly" recent backups of the files, but am afraid to convert them to see the data lost again. I guess I could make copies of copies and see. If the data can't be recovered, is there a way to restore FM back to 3.4 to print out the missing data to ease the chore of re-entering it? (I wish the prior version remained after major updates ie 3.x to 4.x) Any help will be much appreciated, Paul