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Posted by Mark on November 14, 2000 at 18:42:57:


I have created a portfolio of all my investments for ease of updating. I also use this portfolio for two other purposes. One is to create a report of taxable distributions(for estimated taxes) and the other a report of assets subject to my state's intangible tax. Each time I do this, I close those investments that do not pertain to the particular report I am making.

This is OK, but time consuming and subject to pilot error. As an alternative I know I could make separate portfolios for each of these conditions, but this is also subject to error if I forget to update them.

In short, this is a request for the ability to tag investments with (say) up to 5 customizable tags so that I can run a report on my master portfolio and select just those investments with a particular tag. For example: I would label one tag "taxable" so that I could run a "distributions summary" report that selects taxable investments only.

My guess is that other users would find this useful too. Is this possible for a future update?


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