Graph frames
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Posted by Philip Kusina on November 21, 2000 at 11:46:21:
Dear Mark, I have been using Fund Mgr v 3.2.101 for some time and figured it was time to upgrade. I downloaded the latest version and installed it on a spare computer to evaluate. All of my data converted with no problems. However, the NAV graph in the upper left corner of the screen has no frame around it while the other three do. I generally have a portfolio of four funds that I can view at one time. The color of the frame matches that of the yield at the top. I tried a new portfolio and the first graph had no frame. When I added a second fund the original appearred with a frame? I am running Win 98 with a video setting of 1024 x 768 and 16 bit. Am I missing something or is this behavior normal? Thank you, Philip Kusina