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Stock price scaling

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Posted by Wayne McCracken on February 27, 2001 at 16:30:24:

Hi Mark,

I know you can't please everyone all the time but I had no problem with the old method of price scaling (the vertical axis upper & lower limits = the highest and lowest prices in the period displayed). The new method of scaling causes me problems when using a log scaled chart.

I have FM Pro (5.1.304). I always use log price scaling and this causes some problems with the new methodology. For example the MA Overlay/Share price for Delphi Automotive (DPH) if plotted for the last 3 months lies in the range from approximately $11.00 to $15.50. This displays appropriately when plotted non-log. When plotted on a log scale however, there are no left axis prices shown at all (because it is above 10 & below 20?).

To a lesser extent I find that when log scaled now the graph often occupies only a fraction of the vertical space available and therefore compresses it to the extent that it makes the graph hard to read. When the price lies between say $41.50 and $101.50 as it does for Siebel Systems (SEBL), it will jump to $200 as the upper limit and therefore occupy only about the lower 1/2 of the available area.

If I could "turn off" the new scaling I would. Could you provide a preferrences switch to allow the old way. For me & I suspect others this would be preferrable.

Wayne McCracken

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