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Re: Portfolio Performance

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Posted by Franco on April 30, 2003 at 18:10:06:

In Reply to: Re: Portfolio Performance posted by Mark on April 30, 2003 at 14:19:17:

: : : :
: : : : Hi,

: : : : I'm trying to compare my performance with the S&P index for a certain period, let's say 2/5/2003
: : : : to date (8.8% gain for S&P). I think I need to have the ROI for that exact period, but am not able to figure out have to see that in
: : : : a report. In my mind, the %Gain-I is too low and %Gain-V too high and understand why by looking at the help file.

: : : : Is there a way to get the ROI number for other than the standard 3M, 6M,... ranges?

: : : : I am running version 5.3.326.

: : : : Thanks,

: : : : Franco

: : : Hi Franco,

: : : You can change the yield terms using "Options/Preferences.../Yields" from
: : : the main menu. Then, the ROI Yield report will use these terms. The
: : : yields above the graphs will also use these terms.

: : : Thanks,
: : : Mark
: : : --
: : : Mark Beiley
: : :
: : : Fund Manager, portfolio management software for Windows 95/98/ME/NT/00/XP
: : :

: : I found the settings.

: : The yields are annualized though, where I would like to see the gain for the period. If there was a NAV price for the portfolio it would be easy to find the exact performance.

: : cheers,

: : Franco

: Hi Franco,

: Yes, all yields are annualized, but you can still compare the yields for any
: given time period, it is just that the results are reported as if the
: performance was continued/scaled to 1 year.

: You mentioned the %Gain-I, V figures weren't what you were looking for.
: How would you like to see the gain calculated?

: You may also be interested to use the Portfolio/Investment Overlay graphs.
: You can compare your portfolio to that of an index graphically.

: Thanks,
: Mark
: --
: Mark Beiley
: Fund Manager, portfolio management software for Windows 95/98/ME/NT/00/XP

Hi Mark,

The Portfolio/Investment Overlay graph, price + distribution is the answer,
which gives me the Portfolio NAV, thus the actual performance for a period.

As I understand it, %Gain-V as stated in help file only shows increase in value.
For %Gain-I, I believe the numbers do not take into account any timing of new purchases in the period.
I get a %Gain-I of 7.73 and a Portfolio NAV of 114.11 -> 14.11% gain.

In summary, I am happy that you pointed me to the overlay graph.

As usual, thanks for the quick responses.


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