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Re: Dividend entry sequence

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Posted by Mark on September 01, 2003 at 10:57:55:

In Reply to: Dividend entry sequence posted by Baude, Christian on September 01, 2003 at 10:43:33:

: I'm missing some dividend data (holes in my data) which I hope to fill when I retrieve the data from my old paperwork.

: Is it critical to enter the data sequentially (I know this is important for valid reports), or can I enter the data whenever I find it?

: Will the program recalculate the correct gain/loss interpretations once I have back filled all the data?

: Am I correct to assume that the data is placed in the file with the daily quotes, and FM recalculates on the fly from the data points and entries in that file, so the sequence of entry is not critical, but the report only reflects what it finds. Thus we only have a GIGO issue, but once all the data is entered the report should be accurate.

: Splits is the only concern I have at this point. I assume all data pre-split must be in, else if added later, it has to be manually adjusted to the new split data - if the file was converted.

: TIA for your help and creating such a wonderful program and great support.

: -= Cß =-

Hi Christian,

It doesn't matter in what order you enter any of your data, including
splits. You are correct that FM will re-calculate based on whatever
data you have entered. One note: when entering any transaction, record
it as it happened on that date, do not try and adjust it for any splits
that may have happened since.

Mark Beiley

Fund Manager, portfolio management software for Windows 95/98/ME/NT/00/XP

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