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Re: transaction import anomaly?

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Posted by Mark on September 23, 2003 at 13:16:45:

In Reply to: transaction import anomaly? posted by Frank DeJoseph on September 23, 2003 at 12:45:23:

: Hello Mark,

: I downloaded and have been test-driving Fund Manager for about a week. In experimenting with Transaction Import, I can't get FM to import a distribution coded as 'DIST_D'. I create a CSV file from Excel and use the import string
: MM/DD/YY, TRAN, SYMB, ANUM, BNUM, CNUM to grab the data. It all goes in for the respective stocks except for the items coded as DIST_D. If I change DIST_D to a DIST_L or DIST_S, the item gets imported.

: I assume the evaluation program is fully-functional and I've done all the obvious things correctly,so can you offer some advice that may not be obvious to get this to work.

: Thanks
: Frank

Hi Frank,

I don't see anything obviously wrong. You're right, the evaluation program
is fully functional. The DIST_D and DIST_L/DIST_S... all work very similarly,
so I'm not sure why one would work, but DIST_D doesn't. Can you email me
the file you're trying to import, and I'll give it a try.

Mark Beiley

Fund Manager, portfolio management software for Windows 95/98/ME/NT/00/XP

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