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Re: Reports/ ROI/ Interpolation

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Posted by Mark on September 23, 2003 at 20:55:38:

In Reply to: Reports/ ROI/ Interpolation posted by Dale E. Adams on September 23, 2003 at 14:35:44:

Hi Dale,

I'm not sure I've followed where you're looking. The ROI Report and the
yields above the graph should match, and they use the same "Interpolation
Range" settings.

For the ROI yields, including a time period where you don't own any shares
doesn't change the result. It won't have a positive or negative impact
on your ROI yield.

Maybe you're looking somewhere else that I'm not thinking of? Can you let
me know if this doesn't answer your question, which I suspect it didn't...

Mark Beiley

Fund Manager, portfolio management software for Windows 95/98/ME/NT/00/XP

: Hi,

: FM is calculating a 42- (and 20-) month ROI for stocks I've only owned for 18 months. I expected "NA".

: I thought this was faulty behavior until, while composing this message, I realized the Box says: "Allow Interpolation Prior to First Recorded Price"; not "Prior to Inception of Holding".

: I (foolishly?) got price history for all my stocks (in one download) back to the date of my oldest holding, so now when I do a ROI Report FM calculates all stocks back to the earliest date (and I just noticed).

: I know I can delete price data for each stock to solve my problem. But Graph works "correctly" (as I see it). It does not display imaginary value for dates before inception of ownership even though I have earlier price data.

: Is there a reason FM behaves differently for Graph and Report functions?

: Is there an easier way (besides editing each price file) to create ROI Reports which correctly reflect my portfolio's performance?

: Thanks for the help.

: Dale

: FM Version 6.5.329 on a 64-bit DEC Alpha

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