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Re: Importing historical mutual fund data from Canada Stickwatch

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Posted by Mark on October 05, 2003 at 11:11:50:

In Reply to: Re: Importing historical mutual fund data from Canada Stickwatch posted by Jack on October 05, 2003 at 05:47:10:

: : : : Mark:

: : : : I've joined Canada Stockwatch, and I want to import historical data for my Canadian mutual funds.

: : : : Your "Tips & Tricks" site gives the following instructions for doing this:

: : : : "Canadian investors may wish to check out Canada Stockwatch. This is a fee based service which offers historical prices on Canadian stocks as well as mutual funds. The generic import command in Fund Manager can import this data. Download the "ASCII2" format, and use the format string: SYMB,MM/DD/YY,XX,HH,LL,NAV,VV. "

: : : : I'm unclear how exactly to perform this action. Could you please provide some more information? The "import" function (File/Import/Prices/Generic, at which point I guess I paste in the above string) seems to be for data that I've already downloaded to my computer, rather than importing it from a third party site such as Canada Stockwatch. Is that correct?

: : : : I'm a little confused - any help would be most appreciated.

: : : : Regards,

: : : : Jack

: : Hi Jack,

: : First, you would go onto Canada Stockwatch and download the historical
: : prices to a file on your local computer. Then, you would use the
: : "File/Import/Prices/Generic..." menu command. You may want to verify the
: : above format string before importing. That "tip" was written a while ago.
: : If you want to post a couple lines from a sample file, I can confirm what
: : the correct format string should be for the import.

: : Thanks,
: : Mark
: : --
: : Mark Beiley
: :
: : Fund Manager, portfolio management software for Windows 95/98/ME/NT/00/XP
: :

: Hi Mark:

: Here's a few lines of data, plus the header, downloaded in ASCII 2 format

: ,,,,,,
: ALS*SCI,19990726,16.24,16.24,16.24,16.24,0
: ALS*SCI,19990727,16.71,16.71,16.71,16.71,0
: ALS*SCI,19990728,17.1,17.1,17.1,17.1,0
: ALS*SCI,19990729,16.64,16.64,16.64,16.64,0

: Just for completeness, here's the same thing for another fund, but downloaded in ASCII format (rather than ASCII 2):

: ,,,,,,,,,
: AIC*DER,19950601,F,10.97,10.97,10.97,10.97,,0,0
: AIC*DER,19950602,F,11.01,11.01,11.01,11.01,,0,0
: AIC*DER,19950605,F,11.05,11.05,11.05,11.05,,0,0
: AIC*DER,19950606,F,11.13,11.13,11.13,11.13,,0,0

: Regards,

: Jack

Hi Jack,

To import the first file you show, you would use the format string:


For the second file you would use:


In both cases you would _not_ "specify" the symbol or date, as they are in
your data files being imported.

Mark Beiley

Fund Manager, portfolio management software for Windows 95/98/ME/NT/00/XP

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