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Re: ASX Internet retrieve issue

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Posted by Richard Chapman on October 28, 2003 at 19:02:35:

In Reply to: Re: ASX Internet retrieve issue posted by Mark on October 27, 2003 at 21:48:47:

Hi Again Mark,

OK. Thanks. I guess this means I need to change all my stock codes to include the .ax. Is that right? Are there any shortcuts?

BTW: I had trouble finding my post or your response initially. I had to do a ctrlF5 to force a refresh.

Tahnks again.


: : Hi Mark

: : I am a registered user of FM 4.7.332 with internet retrieve dll version 332. As I understand this is the latest internet retrieve DLL. The basic function works OK - but the ASX distinguish between various types of security - and it seems to not work for some types. If you go to and retrieve the following pair of securities I think you will see what I mean:
: : Bhp is a normal stock whereas HYFHB is a fixed interest security. ASX gives both prices - but FM doesn't seem to pick up the latter.

: : I realise that FM4 is not exactly the latest version - but I have only just seen this problem. Any thoughts on a solution?

: : Thanks Mark

: : Richard.

: Hi Richard,

: Yes, Fund Manager doesn't retrieve prices of "Interest Rate Securities"
: from the Australian Stock Exchange server. You can however retrieve them
: from the Yahoo ASX & NZ server. For the example you used, you would use
: the symbol: HYFHB.AX

: Thanks,
: Mark
: --
: Mark Beiley
: Fund Manager, portfolio management software for Windows 95/98/ME/NT/00/XP

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