Re: index overlay[ Q2 03 - Q4 05 Archive ] [ Current Message Board ] [ Archives ] [ Search ] Posted by Mark on November 03, 2003 at 14:03:48:In Reply to: Re: index overlay posted by Bill on November 03, 2003 at 09:18:47: : : : Mark, I've added DJI, SP500 and NasComp as indexes for comparison to my portfolio. On the Portfolio/Investment Overlay chart, it takes the beginning value of my portfolio as the beginning value of the 3 indexes (20,000), then seems to scale the indexes to compare with my portfolio. The problem is that the NasComp, starting at 20,000 in March 2000, is currently at 1,971 (down 90%, should be down 61%); SP500 is at 8,263 (down 58%, should be down 31%); DJI is at 11,732 (down 41%, should be down 12%). This seems like the scaling is screwy. What am I missing here? : : : Bill : : Hi Bill, : : In the "Value" version of this graph type any money you put into or take : : If you look at the "Price + Dist." version of this graph you will see : : Please let me know if that doesn't explain what you're seeing. : : Thanks, : Thanks, Mark. The %s look exactly correct on the "Price + Dist." version. I'm assuming the y-axis is % of original investment. : 2 questions now: : 1. Can this version be scaled for % Gain, so it starts at 0% instead of 100%? : 2. I haven't added or removed any cash from the original portfolio, but I do have a default cash acount. Does this explain the strange scaling of the "Value" version? : Thanks much, Hi Bill Glad that helped. #1) No, you can't change the initial % off of 100 for this graph type. Thanks,
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