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Re: Problem with Yahoo Adjusted

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Posted by Jo on November 30, 2003 at 13:36:04:

In Reply to: Re: Problem with Yahoo Adjusted posted by Mark on November 30, 2003 at 11:11:00:


thanks for your quick reply. Yes, it happens with ALL stocks. I'm downloading major US stocks, like the Dow Jones 30 stocks or the S&P100. I tried almost all of them and more, and the problem is there all the time. What I do right now is downloading the split information with the other Yahoo server, but as you understand is very unconvenient, since I need to manually insert every single split date, and since I'd like to build a database of about 200 of stocks, this is obviously too much trouble. Try with Microsoft (MSFT - if I remember correctly, Microsoft had a split this year on the 18th february), or any other major stock. Besides, I checked on Yahoo to see if the Adjusted database is correct there, and it definitely seems to be ok. So I guess the problem is somewhere in the connection between FM and Yahoo.

Thanks - Jo

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