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Re: performance on a per trade basis

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Posted by Mark on December 30, 2003 at 10:06:43:

In Reply to: performance on a per trade basis posted by Scott Blair on December 30, 2003 at 00:54:48:

: Hi Mark,

: I am currently using FM Personal v5 and I'm struggling with a custom report. I have used the help files (which are great btw) and I'm not sure if what I'm trying to do is possible or not.

: Is it possible to create a report that shows performance on a PER TRADE basis instead of a portfolio or investment basis? For instance, I have made multiple trades in Futuris Corporation but I can only seem to generate reports that show me the overall performance of my trades in FCL instead of how each individual trade performed.

: Intending to upgrade to v6 early in new year so if it can be done in v6, that's great too.

: Thanks,
: Scott

Hi Scott,

You can't do this in the Custom report, but you can in any of the "Capital
Gain" based reports. Each of the 3 capital gain reports will have one
line item for each sell, showing you the gain/loss for that trade.

Mark Beiley

Fund Manager, portfolio management software for Windows 95/98/ME/NT/00/XP

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