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Re: Average Cost

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Posted by Mark on December 30, 2003 at 10:13:56:

In Reply to: Average Cost posted by Parith on December 30, 2003 at 04:38:13:

: Do you know if there is a way that I could find an average price of a stock bought by using FIFO basis? I notice that the fund manager program currently averages out all the prices of the shares that I bought even if I have already sold some. If not, do you know of any way that I could customize my report? Or will there be any point in time that the price of the stock I sold will be drop out of the average price? Moreover, could I also include the broker fees into it?

: Thank you very much

Hi Parith,

Yes, you can get this figure in either a graphical or report format. For
graphical format, you can plot the "Out of Pocket" cost for an investment
using the "Cost - Price" graph. You can toggle the cost mode between
"Historical" and "Current" using "Graphs/Options/Historical Cost". If you're
using "Historical" cost, it will plot the cost over the entire time period
you've owned the investment, including sold shares. If you're plotting the
"Current" cost, it plots the cost of only the currently owned shares, assuming
the FIFO method of selling shares.

To get a numerical value you can either use the cursor on this graph type,
or create a custom report with either of these fields:

Current out of pocket invested (ending)
Current out of pocket invested per share (ending)

Broker fees are included in your out of pocket cost.

Mark Beiley

Fund Manager, portfolio management software for Windows 95/98/ME/NT/00/XP

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