Re: Posting Distributions to Portfolios[ Q2 03 - Q4 05 Archive ] [ Current Message Board ] [ Archives ] [ Search ] Posted by Mark on January 20, 2004 at 09:29:13:In Reply to: Re: Posting Distributions to Portfolios posted by Steve Waller on January 20, 2004 at 08:33:09:
: After bringing them in with Yahoo is there a way to post them that automatically applies it to the current shares or do I have to fill the number of shares in? I often have multiple buys into a fund so my exact number of shares has to be added. I have been going back to each purchase, going into edit, and retrieving the various precise share amounts. : : : Hi Steve, : : There are several ways: : : 1) You can manually record your distribution transactions. Just right mouse : : 2) You can import them, if you have your distribution data in any of our : : 3) If you're using the Professional or above version you can retrieve : : Thanks,
Yes, if you are re-investing your distributions, you would need to manually I didn't follow why you were going to get the precise share amounts in The distribution will be recorded for a total value that is equal to the Thanks,
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